Analysis: The Couple As Sacrament Of Creation

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2.0 The Couple as Sacrament of Creation In order to reach an understanding of the couple as a sacrament of creation, we have to examine the biblical text from Genesis 1, where God says, “let us make Man in our image male and female he created them, and said be fruitful and multiply”. Gen 1: 27 This quote leads us to an understanding of the origin of Man’s creation and its source. So, When St.John Paul II speaks of the Sacrament of creation, he indicates that all of the created universe in some way makes the invisible mystery of its creator visible. The sacrament of creation reaches its highest expression in the crown of creation: Man, and female. Man reaches his fulfillment through the sincere gift of self which is realized in an original …show more content…

This mystery is only acknowledged if God wishes to reveal himself (See Mt: 11:27.) As we have mentioned above, right from the beginning, both man and woman were created in the state of original innocence. This state was the starting point for this participation which is divine communion. It is true to say that the appearance the first couple in this world was a sign of God’s love, who is the source of creation. So, the reality of sacramentality of human body is rooted from Him. Thus, St.John Paul II describes the sacramentality of the body, “as a visible sign, is constituted with man, in as much as he is body through his visible masculinity and …show more content…

Thus, through his bodylines, his masculinity and femininity mankind becomes a visible sign of economy of truth and love, which has its source in God himself and has been revealed already in the sacrament of creation. The human body, as a gift sign, is also the pre-eminent sign of the loving gift that is creation itself. Having its origin in the life of the God’s self-love. However, mankind has been called from the from the beginning to become the manifestation of the spirit. It becomes such a manifestation also though the conjugal union of man and woman when they unite with each other so as to form one flesh. This unity, through which the body in its masculinity and femininity takes on the value of sign, in a certain sense a sacramental