
Sacrifice In Beowulf

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In the poem, “Beowulf,” I believe that Beowulf is a Hero, and he died a Hero. Beowulf did everything in his absolute power and capacity to ensure the safety of his people. There were many cases where it was a life and death situation and Beowulf always made sure to put the people he cared about before himself. Some examples that show Beowulf always sacrificed himself for the wellbeing of others was when he fought Grendel with his bare hands in which no one believed in him and sought him to not be strong enough, in which this helped show his bravery as well as the loyalty that he felt towards the people he cared about. Another example would be him fighting Grendel’s mother, who he fought his hardest to kill, and lastly, when Beowulf was able to defeat the Dragon considering his age. Beowulf won many battles, although his …show more content…

Quickly, he cut the beast in half, slit it apart.” (Chapter 35 & 37) As we can see, this evidence demonstrates the way Beowulf was not willing to give up, he was willing to do whatever it took to take the dragon down and protect the people at all costs. Although Beowulf does not have the same strength and abilities as he used to, he will forever protect the safety of others before himself ultimately leading to his death, in which Beowulf died as a hero and he did it for the prosperity of the people and so that they would not have to live in a constant terror of being slaughtered. Furthermore, this paragraph helps explain how Beowulf will always be a true leader no matter his age, this is because he fought a dragon knowing he did not have the same potential as he did before, which showed how much he cared for the safety of the people eventually leading to his death. In conclusion, I believe that Beowulf will forever be a

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