
Sacrifice In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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This assignment was to compose a well written essay which would persuade the reader, Ms. Oliveria to read the novella “Of Mice and Men.” We were required to create reasoning using only three main points and evidence from the text in order to persuade the reader to read the novel. I created a exemplary essay and argued that the novella “Of mice and Men” strongly depicted hopelessness, tragedy, and sacrifice through the literary technique of symbolism. Our class was required to create an essay outline and go through a series of creating rough drafts and making extensive corrections. In approximately two months I created a proficient essay. This was individual work that we were to complete on our own. By completing this assignment, I met PGE …show more content…

While composing the outline of my persuasive essay, I thought back to what made the book enjoyable to read and what gave it characteristic. I brainstormed many ideas and finalized only three main reasons which I felt would give the reader the strongest impression to read the novella. After choosing three main reasons, I created my claim; “Ms. Oliveria must read the novella “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck because it depicts hopelessness, tragedy, and sacrifice through the technique of symbolism.” My claim was clear and precise, all while establishing to the reader my position and the arguments to support my claim. I was sure to include only the necessary points and explanations in order to leave out extraneous detail. I know my reasoning was valid and relevant because it was supported directly with in text examples. For example, one of my claims was that the novella “Of Mice and Men” depicted hopelessness through the use of symbolism. I directly supported this point by using an in-text quote; “You guys is just kiddin’ yourself. You’ll talk about it a hell of a lot, but you won't get no land. You’ll be a swamper here till they take you out in a box. Hell, I seen too many guys. Lennie here’ll quit an’ be on the road in two, three weeks. Seems like ever’ guy got land in his head” (Steinbeck).” Here I proficiently argued that Ms. Oliveria must

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