Salem Witch Trials Research Paper

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The Salem Witch Trials began in 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts. A group of young girls in the Salem Village claimed to be possessed by Satan and accused several other females of practicing witchcraft.

The first convicted witch was Bridget Bishop, she was hung that June. Eighteen others followed Bishop to Salem’s Gallows Hill, while 150 more men, women and children were accused over the next several months. In January of 1692 nine year old Elizabeth Parris and Abigail Williams who was only eleven years old began to be accused of being witches. This was due to their uncontrollable outbursts and screaming episodes they'd have. Not too long a few other girls including Ann Putnam Jr., Mercy Lewis, Elizabeth Hubbard, Mary Walcot, and Mary Warren started having similar symptoms.

In late February, Sarah Osborn, Sarah Good, and Tituba had arrest warrants against them. The three accused witches were brought in for questioning by Jonathan Corwin and John Hathorne. It was clear they were witches due to …show more content…

Symptoms include weaken, burning sensations, infections.

Another interesting theory was could jealousy have caused these accusations? The accusations came about due to the differences between Salem Village and Salem Town. Salem Village is poorer, while Salem Town had more wealth which made them more respectable. This most likely would have made people in Salem Village want to seek revenge on Salem Town due to the way they were being treated.

Life as a Puritan child was actually quite difficult because children were often expected to behave just like adults. Puritan children often had to use their imagination due to strict rules. This is another possibility of how witchcraft came to be. Children often have the want to rebel and do things they aren't supposed to, in this case,

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