Why Is Sam Westing Still Alive

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I believe Sam westing is still alive. I think he did run away for reasons with the heirs. He was getting his revenge by setting up the Westing Game. In the letter it starts out with, “I Samuel W. Westing,” which is the way the person themselves writes a letter so most likely he’s alive to write it. In the paragraph about the automobile accident, it states, “but Westing disappeared from sight”. Since he wasn’t around the other heirs who would be curious, he saw the chance to escape while away in the hospital. In coffin. He looked like a wax dummy.” the Westing Connection for the Hoo’s it states: Mr.Hoo sued Sara Westing for the invention of disposable paper diaper. Mr. Hoo and Mr, Westing don’t really like each other. J.J. Ford strongly believes,