Sample Journal Entry Paper

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This journal entry will discuss probability sampling and why it is important and why we need a sampling plan. “To accumulate our data, a sampling plan is necessary, and it outlines where the data will come from and justifies the choices we make along the way. Important choices in the formulation of a sampling plan include what to study and whether to collect data from the whole population or to limit data collection to a sample” (Krysik & Finn, 2013, p.215). In addition, this paper will discuss how to draw a probability sample for the chosen research and this includes different approaches such as simple random sampling, systematic random sampling, and stratified random sampling to name just a few examples. Furthermore, the different methods …show more content…

A population is the totality of persons, organizational units, and so on that the research problem is focused on” (Krysik & Finn, 2013, p.215). In contrast, a sample is not the whole population it is a subset of the population, and when sampling is the preferred method than researchers need to pick the elements they will study for the research. Sample for Proposed Study
“The first step in developing a sample plan is to develop clarity on the population that will be studied. Social work research sometimes focuses on individuals and at other times on aggregates of people such as families, couples, and entire communities” (Krysik & Finn, 2013, p.216). In addition, different dimensions can help define the population such as time, place, or membership, and by defining the population and having clarity it helps the researcher to have greater results in the findings and procedures in the research. Furthermore, “there will be times in research when the population elements are not exactly the same as the sampling units” and it is up to the researcher to define the population by the elements and the units (Krysik & Finn, 2013, p.217). Once that is done, the next step is to get access to a sampling frame and that is a list of the elements in a

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