
Sampling Now The Popular Media Article Analysis

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Throughout history many people have been discriminated against. Many were discriminated on simply because of race and sex. Now discrimination stills happens today and not only because of sex and race but many other reasons. Just imagine being a kid with a red dot on your head. Imagine nobody wanting to play with you. Imagine other spreading rumors about you without knowing how you came to get the red dot. In today’s society those living with HIV are discriminated against in a similar way. Now if having the virus isn’t bad enough they also have to deal with stigma that comes along with the virus.
Moment-to-moment within-person associations between acts of discrimination and internalized stigma in people living with HIV: An experience sampling …show more content…

With this article it discusses how there is a correlation between stigma and HIV. It also points out how without educating people on the facts about HIV we are leaving the door open for miseducation that increases stigma. This article also informs on way to fight against stigma and discrimination. This articles references many studies done in order to show the association between HIV and stigma. It breaks down how stigma leads to things like discrimination, violence, poverty, poor and social wellbeing, harassment and abuse, poor health services access and uptake. All of these are just a few things caused by stigma, which turns in to sickness. The article shows how anyone can be an advocate and stop stigma. Through education, empowerment, protection and inclusion we can all be an apart of the cure instead of adding to the sickness. Within the article is touches on how people living with HIV are discriminated against. It talks about healthcare stigma, employment stigma and restriction on travel and stay. In the end it expands on how ending HIV stigma and discrimination is essential to those living with …show more content…

The one thing they had in common was the topic of HIV stigma and discrimination. Within both articles I was able to understand the correlation between HIV stigma and discrimination on those living with the virus. The differences that noticed between the articles was one was a study and the other was information given quoting other studies similar to the one I read about. I think that each paper has a valuable take away. For instance in the article written by Avert.org I feel that it gives you many tools that you can use in your everyday to help people living with HIV. I felt that this article gave out great information and could help educate the consumer on things they were unaware of. I think the consumer can benefit from the study results because they can see the data that backs up what the poplar article was saying. In reading bot tighter you get facts and the data to match. Which to me gives you the tools needed to go out and inform others which can help end stigma and discrimination for those living with HIV. The cons for the study was a lot of medical jargon was used so if someone isn’t very familiar with this topic already I would fear they might not follow it as well. On avert.org I felt that there was a lot of great tips given but it could have been better if they would have shown more ways I can help within my community. I felt that if they could have linked their information with actual

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