San Joaquin County Research Paper

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Working Conditions of Farm workers in San Joaquin County Besides its strategic location, San Joaquin County produces more than 250 verities of crops. Key of these crops includes fruits, vegetables and partly dairy animal production. The produce leads to top development of San Joaquin county maturity. Moreover, the recent research shows that, the county gross product increases up to 25 billion every year. As compared to the scale of production of other counties, this is the highest scale of production that San Joaquin County records each year. Despite the fact that this success has been because of good roads, good climatic conditions, availability farm inputs and good communication networks just to mention but a few. The negative conditions that slow down the success in this county are poverty, harsh working conditions, poor wages, poor houses, lack of proper legal procedures and poor health conditions among others. In connection to this, the essay will argue out how the two sides influence the agricultural production in San Joaquin County. Beginning with negative conditions, poverty slows the level of production because most workers are unable to cater for …show more content…

Almost in all fields of work in San Joaquin County, workers are unable to stand and shield their rights as workers. Moreover, this means that most rights of the people faces violations in such a way that no one gets permission to complain over a given issue. In this essence, if the trend continuous the level of work will finally experience shake-ups that may result to low production. In connection to this, (Brewer 23) recommends that, workers need to unite and come up with a union that will help their views to have a recognition. Besides, workers also do not assess good health services that makes them be vulnerable to diseases associated with different climatic