
Sara Biir The Barbie Basement Analysis

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In The Barbie Basement by Sara Bir it tells the story of three female best friends who grew up playing barbies in the basement where happy memories were once shared. The girls were each only separated by a year of age, but each also in different grades. But in the barbie basement they were more than just friends but sisters, who enjoyed each other company and playing together. The basement was there shield them from the real world, where they could pretend to be what and who they wanted to be (Bir, 2004). But nothing can protected us from the real world forever, because life does come with challenges and society has standards that we try to live up to. In the barbie basement the barbies could no longer keep the girls together, as the difference …show more content…

Even thought I do not on a personal level know the author or the people in the story, I can connected to it on a relatable level. I grow up with a best friend who lived right across the street from me. At the time I was 15 and she was around 18 and the age gap did not seem like a problem. We were so close, sharing secrets, having sleepovers, and creating the best memories. But as time went on the age did gap become more noticeable. When she went to University and made new friends, I slowly felt forgotten about. We had schedules that never matched up and she had responsibilities of an adult. Her time was consumed by school, work and her new friends, where I felt more like the little sister who was left behind. In a friendship age may seem like a small thing that does not really made, but it can really cause friends to drift apart. Age is a challenge in friendship because being different ages mean you are on different stages of your life. It can be hard to keep up with older friends because they are doing and experiencing things that you can not quite yet. I connected to the story on a personal life because they like the youngest girl I felt left

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