Sara Butler Article Summary

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Butler, Sara. M.S.B.T. “Women’s Ordination: Is It Still an Issue?” at: The purpose of Sister Sara Butler’s article is to highlight whether the ordination of women is still an issue within the Catholic Church (pp. 1). Butler speaks towards reformation of sex bias within Christian religion as the primary reason towards the debate on the candidacy of women for the priestly office (pp. 3-5). To explain its position on gender equality, Butler explains that the Church argued against female subordination and in favour of gender complementarity as evidence for the male priesthood (pp. 6-8). However, using theological arguments Butler contends …show more content…

3). He asserts his argument by identifying four distinct occasions within the New Testament, where all three persons of the Trinity are present in one place: the Annunication, Jesus’ baptism, the Eucharist and the Transfiguration. Within this essay, the audience learns that the presence of the Holy Trinity within the sacraments results in humanity participating in the cycle of love between the three persons of the Trinity (pp. 13 ). Fagerberg explains that just as the Holy Spirit overshadowed Jesus and Mary, so too does the Holy Spirit overshadow Christians during the rituals of baptism and confirmation (pp. 16). It is this distinction within the persons of the Holy Trinity that allows Christians to become transfigured and reflect God’s devine glory (pp.17). Using Fagerberg’s explanation of the Holy Spirit, particularly the argument he makes about Christians being anointed in a manner similar to Christ can lead to an enrichment of faith. Through this understanding Christians can develop a closer relationship with God, knowing that His eternal love lives within us. This particular understanding can further manifest itself in the New Evangelization, through the inner workings of the Holy Spirit. By experiencing the joy that is associated with knowing God through the reception of the Trinity Christians are encouraged spread the …show more content…

555). Citing the work of Maximus the Confessor within this article, Fagerberg determines liturgy invites man to participate in his own ascent to deification provided through the Trinity (pp. 558). Within the section on liturgical history, Fagerberg outlines that God’s desire to redeem mankind as evidenced through the presence of the Trinity in creation (pp. 559-560). The latter half of this article focuses on the liturgical sacraments, which allows Fagerberg to emphasize that the liturgy sacramentalizes the mystical body (Church), the Church sacramentalizes Christ, which leads to the sacramentalization of God (pp. 561). Fagerberg concludes that through the attainment of the sacraments humans shed their mortality and obtain immortality in God (pp. 566). This article provides the audience with a clarification on the role the sacraments play in the attainment of salvation. For many people, the sacraments are just rites of passage, but Fagerberg explains that without participation within the liturgical sacraments salvation is not attainable. Within the context of religious education, the information Fagerberg postulates about the sacramentalization of man within the liturgy is vital towards salvation. Without this knowledge the sacrament of the liturgy is relegated to a chore, an obligation, but with this knowledge, Christians