
Satire Essay On Political Parties

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The weeks have all been seeming the same in the past few years. On Sunday it's the rights of the people being attacked. On Monday the media is lying. On Tuesday it’s to be or not to be a gun owner. Wednesday it’s terrorist being bombed followed by panic of them bombing us. Thursday there is yet another sex scandal. Friday a mass shooting at a local school. And on Saturday someone of greatness has died due to drugs. In today’s America, when you turn on the TV you’ll almost always find someone talking about something horrible. The news will be covering all the bad guys of the world, the violence, the horror and the pain. There always seems to be some huge problem in America. You’ll have one side say it’s this and that and them. Then you’ll have …show more content…

But what I’m looking at is the ones in charge. In our nation, we have a house of representatives and senate. Both ran by people who were elected by their states to debate and vote on laws, regulations, and the people. Or at least, that is what they are suppose to do. We do have many problems in our nation, but it all relates and comes back to one thing, the Government. The government, which is our house and senate that make all of the decisions and rules, are the ones who are responsible for laws made, taxes, jobs, and what happens to the people. The ones who make these decisions in our nation's government is the Legislative branch, our house and senate. This is America’s biggest problem. Many people would say that same in claiming it's because they’re corrupt, they don’t care, or they only care about money. My argument for why our Legislative branch is our greatest problem, is because they are no longer acting or working the way we originally intended them to be. The government that we read about in books and learn about in our history classes are suppose to be for the people, of the people, and by the …show more content…

It is understandable that we all have different views and opinions. Some may be very religious, some may be pro-guns, some may be pro-women's rights. Having a difference of views and opinions should be a respectable thing. When we elect people into office to become our senator or our congressmen, we expect them to be there to represent us and our state. For many politicians this does not happen. Instead of the politician standing up and voting for what their people want, they vote towards what their party wants. They put their party before their people, which is not what we intended nor what we would want them to do. Many politicians would put their personal opinions behind them and only consider what is the best for the party. In some cases, it can be a good thing to think on what is good for the group. But that is not how our congressmen and women are suppose to act. Our politicians are supposed to think and act upon what the people of their states want, not their coworkers. Another serious problem with the parties is that at times they are against each other more than they are willing to solve a problem at hand. When one sides votes yes for a bill the majority of the time the other side will vote no for the bill. When politicians think and act this way it is a fallacy called Groupthink; when you use pride of membership in a group instead of

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