Satirical Humor In Family Guy

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Family Guy is an extremely controversial show due to its outrageous and harsh cartoon humor that seems to stay within no boundries of political correctness when it comes to the content. Although the show may seem ludicrous sometimes, it uses satirical humor as a tool that helps viewers reflect on and even question culturally sensitive aspects of our society. Family Guy initiates a dialogue about these sensitive yet relevant topics through critically sarcastic humor that makes viewers laugh and think at the same time. Since the material can be so sensitive, J. Jeremy Wisnewski, author of the book Family Guy and Philosophy questions if “Family Guy is encouraging us to laugh at things that we shouldn’t joke about” (Wisnewski, 14). Yes the show …show more content…

Family Guy accomplishes the cultivation of an episode that illustrates and criticizes this, which in turn could compel viewers to reflect on how it is harmful. In the episode “Excellence in Broadcasting,” Brian the very liberal dog, expresses his hate of Rush Limbaugh's book about conservative values to Rush Limbaugh. He is then asked by Rush to read the book and upon reading it, Brian discovers that he actually agrees with many of the things being said. Prior to enhancing his education about the other side of the political spectrum, Brian assumed that he disagreed with all conservative views because it was the opposing party. Yet, when he became open to gaining knowledge of these different views, his opinions changed because he was able to compose a conclusion based off of more than just the one side of values that he was familiar with. Through Brian’s experience, Family Guy criticises peoples’ closed-minded and uneducated views when it comes to politics. The show reminds us to get all the information we can, from both sides, so that we can make an educated decision because there are always two sides to a