Civilization Vs Savagery Essay

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Lord Of The Flies Essay Humans have been on this earth for thousands of years. Time is one of the many factor that has crafted us into the people we see today. In order for the human race to transfer from the beginning of our existence to now, some extraordinary changes were vital to form our modern day society.What would happen if the modern day society that we have created disappeared from the population? Assuming that people lost all order and returned to our ancient behaviors (Gerund phrase), would certainly cause a disaster. Savagery would take over once again. Who 's to say that savagery has ever left us? Maybe savagery has always been with us, and we have covered it up with a false sense of rules(Compound Sentence). …show more content…

When the airplane pilot falls from the sky, the boys believe that the man is a terrifying beast. The beast, which was just a man falling from a parachute, fall from the sky, and scared all of the boys(Compound Complex).This is the first time Ralph crosses paths with savagery. The boys begin to talk about going out and killing the beast. Ralph agrees that they should kill the beast and declares they will look for the beast in the woods, “If the beast isn 't there we’ll go up the mountain and look;”(Golding 103).With no actual proof that a beast exists except a few misconstrued interpretations of something odd, it makes no sense to go out ready to kill. Being so ready to kill without using logic is savagery peeking its head. Insite that Ralph has been a good leader,(Prepositional phrase)this is surprising. He is letting savagery make decisions for him. Simon is different from most of the other boys. He uses logic that there can 't really be a best and savagery is turing the boys into the beast. While savagery is becoming more apparent, civilization still remains with the boys. The boys using logic, have a meeting to discuss problems. The major concern being, the hunters let the rescue fire go out. Ralph, being one of the few still connecting with be rescued exclaims, “don 't you want to be rescued?”(Golding 102). Ralph continues striving to be rescued and …show more content…

They have divided into two groups created a society of savages. After Ralph fails to enforce the last element of civilization(Adverb Clause), Jack recruited Sam and Eric. Jack had torchered both Sam and Eric into joining his group. They were talking to Ralph when they said, “-they made us. They hurt us-.”(Golding 188). That shows the savagery in Jack and Roger to do such things over not liking Ralph. Ralph has turned savage, with very little civilization remaining in him. His only focus is surviving. To bring himself to understand why they would do that (Infinitive phrase), Ralph thought about how Jack could torcher Sam and Eric, like that. This shows how he still has a little bit of civilization in him. Next, Jack 's group got word that Ralph could be hiding by castle rock. Knowing this, Jack had rocks on top yelling of his fort ready to crush Ralph. When Jack thinks he sees a sigh of Ralph he exclaims, “Heave! Heave! Heave!”(Golding 193). Jack has turned completely savage and wants to kill Ralph. Ralph has no choice but to hind from them and try and stay safe. He also has become savage because the only thing on his mind is not dying, instead of being rescued. There is one last scene of savagery at the end of the book. Ralph was hiding in the jungle, trying to keep from being caught by the savages. The savages start to burn down the jungle to flush out Ralph. He got up and started