Woodworking Industry Research Paper

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Topic Area An analysis of how the woodworking industry in Trinidad, more specifically San juan sawmill and Environs are not complying with the Occupational Safety and Health Act 2004 as amended 2006. Hypothesis Regular workplace inspection, Risk Assessments, Compliance to Laws and Regulations and improvements of such Laws and Regulations will significantly reduce if not eliminate workplace injuries in the woodworking industry in Trinidad and Tobago . Significance of Topic The significance of this proposal is to bring to knowledge the extent of the risks to health and safety faced by woodworkers, to examine and evaluate laws applicable to woodworkers in Trinidad with a view of determining their relevance and lastly, attempt to reduce the …show more content…

A research document entitled ‘The Sawmilling Industry in Trinidad’ by Suzan Dillion and Cynthia P. Lowe published in 1988, outlines a brief history of the development of the industry in Trinidad. It also gives statistics based on the geographical location of sawmills and information on workers such as the average age of an employee and number of person per sawmill. The Sawmill Act, chapter 66:02, as amended by Act 24 of 1999 (laws of Trinidad and Tobago) gives a definition of the sawmilling …show more content…

This together with other relevant local safety laws will be examined and evaluated relative to the applicability to the woodworking industry in Trinidad. ‘Occupational Safety and Health Standards – General Industry’ by Risk Reduction Professionals, this book outlines the principles, theories and practices of health and safety standards to be adopted in industrial establishments. It is a U.S. Department of Labour (OSHA Office) guide to employers and employees. This would be used as a ‘yard-stick’ in determining acceptable safety and health standards for the local industry. The Principles of Health and Safety at work. Allan St. John Holt, 8th edition. September 2009. It was originally developed to assist managers who had line responsibility for health and safety. Delimitations The Sawmill Act of Trinidad and Tobago makes mention of two categories of woodworking. • Sawmills