
Analysis Of Say Goodbye To Career Planning

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Section 1: “Finding your Life’s Work” and “Say Goodbye to Career Planning” are two videos involving success that are very similar yet very different. These two videos differ, because “Finding your Life’s Work” encourages career planning, finding out what you enjoy and getting started on that career. However, in the video “Say Goodbye to Career Planning” the speaker encourages people to try out different careers and see what fits them best. The speaker in “Say Goodbye to Career planning” believes that people shouldn’t start planning their career and be tied down to that one career, because they will most likely change their mind. In “Finding your Life’s Work,” it mainly focuses on the process of what you enjoy to help choose your career, whilst …show more content…

This hierarchy is motivated by human needs, some basic and some higher. Each level of the hierarchy pyramid is a level of human needs that can be divided into deficiency needs and growth needs. Holland’s Theory of Career Choice is a code made of someone’s three dominant personality types out of six personality choices. This code identifies the personality types; realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional. With these dominant personality types chosen, it takes the participant one step closer to deciding what career type is right for them. Super’s Conception of Life Stages and Development Tasks describes career development through five life stages and sub stages. The main five stages are; growth, exploration, establishment, maintenance, and decline. This theory also stresses the centrality of self-concept as the driving force in career choice. Bandura’s Theory of Self-efficacy is the theory that if you believe in your success, it can play a major role in achieving goals and accomplishments. People have self-efficacy view challenges as tasks they can accomplish, find interest in different activities, have a strong sense of commitment, and recover from setbacks. There are four major sources of self-efficacy; mastery experiences, social modeling, social …show more content…

After taking a personality quiz, I researched all of my suggested jobs to find what I found most interesting. I came to the conclusion of nursing and it helps to know people who are in that field and talk to them about their experience. I once attended one of my friend’s chemo appointments and found myself talking to one of her nurses. That day I decided that becoming a nurse is my career aspiration. After deciding on a career choice, I performed research on the job and discovered certain requirements, salaries, the types of nurses, etc. Developing a realistic self-concept is extremely important part in finding the right career. To know what career you want, you have to know yourself; such as likes and dislikes. If you don’t know what you like or dislike, it’s highly possible to be stuck in a job that isn’t enjoyable. I took many personality and career choice surveys to help decide what kind of career would fit me best. I realized that I disliked a sense of the same ordeal every day and like to switch things up a bit and I like to work and interact with other

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