An Analysis Of John Holland's Model Of Personality And Occupational Types

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Personality and Occupational types directly correlate to each other. Everyone has various strengths, characteristics, traits, and stressors, consequently, these different personalities tend to gravitate towards certain occupations. John Holland’s model of Personality and Occupational Types discusses six personality types, as well as, describes what type of occupations those personality types are best suited for. Using this model, I was able to figure out which personality type I am, as well as, which occupations I am best suited for. Holland’s model of Personality and Occupational Types accurately describes six major types of personalities and the occupations that related to them. The six personalities are Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, …show more content…

For example, I am extremely dependable, organized, and accurate, especially with regards to completing tasks. I am also very neat, more reserved and I like things to be structured especially in the work place. The book mentions that clutter and ambiguity are considered high stress situations for people with the Conventional type(Manning & Curtis, 2015). I find this to be very true with myself, if something is unclear it will cause me stress, furthermore, clutter is even worse. Clutter can really impact the amount of work I am able to get done and how efficiently it is executed, I prefer things to be clean and organized for me to be able to concentrate on completing a task. The sample occupations that are mentioned that go along well with this personality type fit well with my current goal. The book discusses accountants, assemblers, bankers, and tax experts as some of the occupations associated with the Conventional personality type. Currently I am an accounting and finance major, so that really solidified that I have this particular personality …show more content…

The book mentions that no one is a pure personality type, and I completely agree(Manning & Curtis, 2015). The book states, “most people have a pattern of interests combing all six types”(Manning & Curtis, 2015, p. 353). People are complex and made up of a multitude of strengths and traits, it is impossible to define them as one single personality trait. With regards to myself, I think that I possess traits that fall into the other five personality categories. For example, I am honest, friendly, critical, independent, creative, emotional, adventurous, ambitious, as well as many other things. These traits are all very different from each other and fall under the various personality

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