Say No To Screen Free Week Essay

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Say No To Screen Free Week
Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. Children have many practical purposes that they would need to use “screens” technology for. So by eliminating a valuable learning tool you are jeopardizing kids learning and making a drastic change in their effective daily lives. According to PBS LearningMedia research, 74% of teachers surveyed responded that using classroom technology motivates students to learn.(kurzweil,2015).Technology in the classrooms allows kids to take their education into their own hands with hands on learning.Screen Free Week will allow that many kids learning will begin at school and end at school, but if you say no children will be able to learn freely anytime with a touch of a screen.

One reason our school should not participate in screen free week is because technology helps kids improve their reactions and the ability to pick out specific details. At the University of Rochester say that “videogames can improve the reaction and the ability to pick out details amid activities”. Video games have a very strong both rehabilitative and educational power that children need to develop. In the article,”How technology has changed the way kids think and focus”, jim taylor says “screen media improves visual-spatial capabilities, increase attentional ability. Kids …show more content…

If you choose to participate in “Screen Free Week” you ultimately want a week of failure for your students because technology is a lifelong tool that they have been using and throwing this drastic change at them will affect their learning,social life, and mental stability.Therefore “Screen Week” is not needed and will cause little to no improvements in a child 's life by cutting of something so valuable to them for a