
Scarus Use Of Animal Imagery In Antony And Cleopatra

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This last line can also been seen as a sexual image, partly because ‘horse’ is supposed to sound like ‘whore’ and partly because Cleopatra herself would be happy to bear the weight of Antony. Cleopatra can also be seen as being cruel sometimes. In the same scene, she makes nasty comments and threats to Mardian, Alexas and Charmian. Are these spoken good naturedly, or is there a sadistic streak in her words? This could be seen as friendly banter or genuine anger. Scarus’s anger, disappointment and disgust at his leader’s dishonorable flight from battle to follow Cleopatra is evident in the language he uses to describe them both. He uses animal imagery, saying that Cleopatra is a “ribaudred nag,” III, X, 9. Scarus also says:
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