
School Lunch Should Be Longer Essay

648 Words3 Pages

Ryder Geraskey
Ms. Nelsons
Language arts 22 March 2023

The Problem With School Lunch
The school lunchroom is pure chaos, not because of the people there, but the amount of time people have to eat. When it comes to school lunch people don't have much time to eat, experts agree that many kids don’t have enough time to eat their lunch. Some people think the solution is to extend the lunch period to give kids more time to eat. Others believe that there are more solutions to not making lunch longer but making it better in a way without increasing the period. People have been deciding whether or not lunch should be longer, but when looking at the facts, one can conclude that lunch should be longer. One reason why lunch should be longer is because making lunch longer would lead toward less rush when eating. This is proven because scientists say that with a longer lunch day, students can have more time to eat slowly and recognize signs of fullness, which do not develop until 20 minutes after eating. Based on this evidence, one can conclude that lunch should be longer because students need to build these healthy habits of recognizing fullness. Scientists have also proven that eating fast can lead to …show more content…

A study showed that the more time kids have, the more of their lunch they eat-so less food ends up in the trash. The study appeared in a medical journal called IAML Network Open. The most logical conclusion that one can draw from this evidence is that lunch should be longer because food going in the trash is wasted money. When food is wasted, it also leads toward more wasted materials such as plates, utensils, and straws that are barely used. Based on this evidence one can conclude that lunch should be longer because making school lunches takes a lot of effort, and no one would like all their effort to be wasted, due to the fact that lunch is not that

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