School Testing Persuasive Essay

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Sarah lacks enthusiasm, and has not bought into the state mandated standard achievement testing. Her experience with the state testing has lead her to the belief that two much time is spent on preparing students for testing, which resulted in lost of valuable instructional time, which would be more beneficial to the students and their understanding of the subject matter. It has become evident that most students have displayed a lack of interest in the state mandated testing and have exhibited very low motivation and desire to participate. The results of the standardized test in the opinion of Sarah do not actually reflect the students understanding, ability and capacity. The ability to motivate students in accepting the state mandated test continues to be a challenge for Sarah as she tries to prepare and encourage her students.
The financial and funding implication of schools tied to student’s performance is a cause for concern to Sarah, this non the less provide little incentives for students to show more interest and become serious about the state testing. The state has instituted a policy, which requires students to pass the test as a requirement for graduation. This Sarah hope will bring some change of attitude towards the test. …show more content…

The test provides a standard by which the state will access students’ competencies while ensuring that they meet the minimum requirement for graduation. Students will require following the state criteria and objectives and demonstrating a mastery of the subject area before they can graduate high school. Additionally, with the requirement for graduation the state will ensure that all high school graduates would have met the minimum requirements, and have achieved the state standard for