School To Prison Pipeline Essay

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The school to prison pipeline is a term used to describe the increased presence of law enforcement in schools, the use of law enforcement or judicial system to deal with minor student misconduct, and the policy of Zero Tolerance policy criminalizing minor school rule infraction in schools in low socioeconomic areas (Cole,2017). After watching several videos like Unraveling Zero Tolerance, The school-to-prison pipeline, explained, and School to Prison Pipeline, reading online news article like The school to prison pipeline, explained, Fact Sheet: How Bad Is the School-to-Prison Pipeline?, and movies like Lean On Me, Moonlight, Freedom Writers, Stand and Deliver, Dangerous Minds and 187, I recognize that the school to prison pipeline is a major issue.

The topic is relayed in four ways in writing, charts, graphs and verbally. In all the aforementioned movies, troubled schools and minorities are a familiar subject. Over the prior, two or three decades with movies like Moonlight, Lean on Me, Freedom Writers, Stand and Deliver, Dangerous Minds and 187 they typical show minorities students, school and neighborhoods as poor, low-performing, violent and drug-ridden.This perpetuates the assumption that all …show more content…

From the time I started 7th grade I anytime I entered a school building I had to pass through a metal detector, experience my possession being searched and came in contact with either school police or security. Not until examined these videos and reading these articles, I recognized how naïve I had been. I don’t know if it is good or bad but I became desensitized to the searches, the police officer, and the metal detectors; it was just the way things were. I remember when I went on my first job interview to become a teacher I remember walking through the front doors of the school thinking to myself where are the metal detectors and that the school not having any kind of security was kind of