School To Prison Pipeline Case Study

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Special Needs Paper
Social Needs Description of the School to Prison Pipeline
Unfair punishments and policies in a school setting ultimately disenfranchise minority youth of their civil rights and liberties. In the case of the “school to prison pipeline”, minority youths’ right to an education is being violated, creating a social need for developing healthy and fair discipline procedures (Porter, 2015). This social need can be addressed by properly assessing minority youth who display unacceptable behavior. Instead of using extreme punishment, such as expulsion and out of school suspensions to deflect inappropriate behavior, other methods can be set in place such as counseling sessions or after school programs geared towards encouraging appropriate behavior. The social injustice of the “school to prison pipeline” violates the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics, particularly as it relates to the core value of social justice (National Association of Social Workers, 2008). The NASW Code of Ethics promotes sensitivities and …show more content…

The NASW Code of Ethics promotes competency of social workers by enriching professional knowledge and skills that can be used in collaborations with school administrators and teachers (NASW, 2008). School faculty can be encouraged to attend workshops and seminars, taught by a social worker, geared towards recognizing disruptive behavior and properly assessing the behavior to address the needs of minority youth. Social workers can demonstrate the differences between violent threats and non-violent threats and how to get control of the situation before it gets out of hand. Teaching school personnel effective grounding techniques to use with students to deescalate a situation will result in fewer out of school suspensions and