In The School-Prison Pipeline

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Whereas some do better with no family by their side some argued having the same situation as other delinquents who may have had a secure family structure and we see on the two positive borders how family makes an impaction on a child life.
In the black community the education field for the youth is vital. Education is one of the few ways out of poverty, prison, and the only way to attain sustainable success, but not if its unequal for a child to receive or the different penalty that go along with being in school as black schoolboy/girl. A lot of favorite athletes and even top rappers was channel in the school-prison pipeline such as Curtis James Jackson, III was a piece of data in the concept. Curtis James Jackson, III, better known by his …show more content…

Education is one of the few ways out of poverty, prison, and the only way to attain sustainable success, but not if its unequal for a child to receive or the different penalty that go along with being in school as black schoolboy/girl. A lot of favorite athletes and even top rappers was channel in the school-prison pipeline such as Curtis James Jackson, III was a piece of data in the concept. Curtis James Jackson, III, better known by his stage name 50 Cents, a 12-year-old boy at the time of his actions, is a suitable case to investigate. Using his case and past his story and experience involving juvenile delinquency and how it impacted the school system, the contributions to the crime behind it such as drug offenses, the crime of carrying an armed gun in his school, and how the school system and juvenile justice system bough such a punitive punishment to Curtis. Curtis story transformed and share his experience to let other youth in his shoes learn from it, also as Asante did with his juvenile years changing and trying to impact black youngsters. As a piece of the unequal education area this is a perfect representation of blacks channeled thought the pipeline and not being able to gain their freedom and liberty from their wrongdoings. People send their children to school to learn and to improve themselves and also their communities. However, the desks that these students sit in are now counted by the state prison to determine what percentage will make up their inmates. There are various factories centriole to inequities in the black education field, for instance unequal punishment, more stagnation with the juvenile justice system, and other circumstances create the ideal circumstance that leaves blacks without the same educational opportunities as whites. In the US News