School Uniform Policy Essay

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The purpose of BOE 0600 is to set forth how a school can establish a voluntary or mandatory school uniform program. Based on this purpose statement, a review of similar school districts implementation for school uniform programs was conducted; during this review the language of each policy was taken into consideration looking specifically at ways the language made the policy and procedures clear and transparent for all stakeholders. The current policy aligns closely with school districts with similar policies, the recommendations that will be shared are to provide more guidance within the policy for consistency. In this section recommendations are suggested for three components of the policy: language, initiation of the process, and voting procedures. …show more content…

A voluntary school uniform program is defined as: one that authorizes and encourages students at a school to wear an adopted school uniform that is consistent with the system-wide dress code. The policy goes on to note that students are not required to wear the uniform, and no consequences are permitted if a student chooses not to comply.
It is suggested the language around a voluntary school uniform program be removed from the policy and added to the policy that addresses the county dress code. Research suggests (King, 1998) that uniform programs provide uniformity to within school in an attempt to minimize gang activity by removing the opportunity for gang colors and apparel styles within the school. King (1998) goes on to suggest that school uniforms build a scene of a team within members of the school community. If not all members of the school community are required to wear the uniform, then the current research on school uniforms does not