Scialabba V. Cuellar De Osorio Case Study

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Scialabba v. Cuellar de Osorio (2014) challenged the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1998 and the Child Status Protection Act, which allowed the automatic conversion provision of visa petition dates in cases that qualified. Cuellar de Osorio, a United States permanent resident, had petitioned for her son to receive a visa as a permanent resident of the U.S. in 1998. The date in which a petition is filed, the date is known as the “priority date” which serves as a ‘ticket’ in our immigration visa process. However, the Cuellar de Osorio’s visa petition did not appear in front of the ‘visa line’ until 2005; at which point, Cuellar de Osorio’s son had already turned 21 making him ineligible for the visa which was categorically filed as a derivative

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