Science Fair Project On How Gravity Affects Root Growth

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How Gravity Affects Root Growth

Plants, it is a major part of how we live in our society today. We might not realize it everyday or praise it for all the things it does, but it gives us the essentials of life. It provides us with food, nutrients, water, minerals, and for some people, relaxation. While I was searching for a topic, I came across many ideas including soils, water, and sugars. These all involved plants, so I limited my search to plant projects but still have an idea that is unique. I decided to do my Science Fair project on: How gravity affects root growth. That plant that I am going to test is a radish. I plan to plant the radish seeds in a CD case and give them a steady amount of water and sun each day. I will tape the cases to a large cardboard box then I will tilt the box at different angles so I can change the direction of gravity. I will measure the time it takes for the root to fall to the core of the earth. I will control the soil, light, water, and angle to perform a successful experiment. My experiment will show how long it will take for plants to get the right amount of nutrients and grow at a that a plant would on flat soil. After I found my topic, I realized that I had to get to the bottom of my topic. I looked at how gravity …show more content…

I will also inform you about the affects of gravity and how gravity affects roots. I will also go in depth about the chemicals involved and how roots know where to grow when the direction of gravity has changed. Below I will go in length to broaden the gaze of my audience.

According to, gravity is “The force of attraction by which terrestrial bodies tend to fall toward the center of the earth.” This is the basis of my procedure. I looked at many websites with the concept of gravity on roots. Most of them had something on gravitropism, transduction, statoliths, and plant