Scott Mccloud Time Frames Summary

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Forms and Content, Take 3: “Time Frames” by Scott McCloud • “…panels or ‘frames’ have no fixed or absolute meaning, like the icons of language, science, and communication” (99). This quote is significant because it shows that these panels are not what define comics, but rather make room for the content of the panel to fully express the message the author is attempting to convey. As McCloud says, the purpose of a panel differs from that of language because each word has its own meaning or set of meanings, whereas panels simply show a shift in time. Although panels are a physical representation of time, it is up to the author to decide how to illustrate time based on the shape, size, or content of the panel. • McCloud describes how panels that don’t allow for the reader to assess how much time is going by, sometimes by not including dialogue or representation of sound, often have a timeless feel and can sometimes leave more of a lasting impact on the reader (102). …show more content…

Both men talked about how with advancements in technology there always has to be something going on. Postman in particular mentioned how it is difficult to sit anywhere and have a moment of silence. Given that people feel the need to be constantly entertained, they miss out on those silent moments. By having silent panels the author is able to make the choice of leaving out meaningless words simply because they feel the need to say something. Similarly to silent panels, scenes in movies and TV that focus more on the image rather than the dialogue can be some of the most moving