Scottish Independence Referendum Essay

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The Route to the Scottish Independence Referendum

September 18, 2014 Scotland is an independent state until the time before 1 May 1707; there is no United Kingdom at that time before the establishment of The Acts of Union: The Acts joined the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Scotland into a single, United Kingdom named “Great Britain”. But, on September 18, 2014 Scotland has arranged the day of Independence Referendum. It is another important day for World, Europe, United Kingdom and especially Scotland whether they still the same United Kingdom or leave the United Kingdom. This is not the first time for Scottish: it is the third time. The first national referendum was in 1979 about Scottish devolution, and the second national referendum was …show more content…

In 1999 The Scottish Parliament was established. This devolution could happened since the formation of Scottish Constitutional Convention in 1988, a wide-ranging group of people from across society which draw up the Claim of Right in 1989 and produced its final report, 'Scotland's Parliament. Scotland's Right' calling for a Scottish Parliament in 1995. The referendum result: Scottish parliament: 74.3% to 25.7% and tax powers: 63.5% to 36.5%. Here, Scotland steps further more to route of independent; moreover, this step has revoked the Act of Union that has been in act almost 300