Second Continental Congress Dbq Analysis

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The 2nd continental congress was a group of leaders from the thirteen colonies they discussed what to do about Britain and whether or not to actually claim independence from Britain or not. They were also the ones to sign and send the declaration of independence to the king. Speaking of the declaration of independence it was actually made on july 4th 1776 in Pennsylvania. "join or die" that was one of the most popular quotes from the revolutionary war this quote was said by Benjamin franklin and it was actually a type of pamphlet and one of the first speaking for American independence but let's first talk about the groups and people fighting for each side. There were many people fighting in this war one of them were called the minutemen these …show more content…

Now that we know who's fighting let's talk about what led to the war first is that there was salutary neglect which is when a country or power helps out a neighbor but only when needed otherwise they let them grow on their own make their own laws, punishments, culture and taxes because of this some colonies felt Britain had no right to make the …show more content…

Paul revere himself made an engraving showing an innocent crowd being fired upon from British soldiers killing people in the tens but in reality, only five people died in the exchange which is where the colonist harassed the red coats until they opened fire on the crowd killing the five colonists. The patriots started calling the king a tyrant and calling his acts a thing of tyranny which means an act of a cruel government because of this belief a lot of battles broke out over the war one famous one with an equally famous quote was the battle of bunker though it was actually fought on a few breed hills at this battle the British attack a squadron of men in this battle the British won but with heavy casualty's which boosted the morale of the continental army and that famous quote was "don’t fire until you see the white of their eyes" Shortly after the battle of bunker hill a leader was chosen this leaders name was George Washington he actually fought in the French and Indian war so he already knew about war first hand he wasn't a strategist but he was inspiring keeping the continental army fighting and together even during hard