How Did Religion Affect The English Civil War

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Vadim Torchillo
H History
Final draft The English Civil Wars The English Civil War began in 1642, in England. The war was between supporters of King Charles I, and parliament. Before both sides started the fighting, parliament and the king had a disagreement about many rules with parliament. King Charles I, in no time considered getting help from parliament with the country. The war started because of many conflicts. For example, economic factors, cultural, and political reasons. The war lasted nine years. In 1651, which later on, parliament overthrew King Charles I. Economy affected the civil wars because King Charles I asked for no help from parliament for money. There was a political role in the English civil wars because there was a constant argument with King Charles Ist and parliament over who is and should rule the country better. Religion affected the English civil war …show more content…

A the start of his ruling, King Charles I married a Roman Catholic Henrietta Maria of France. “Included in her marriage treaty were provisions that she be allowed to practice her religion freely at Court.”(3) In her marriage treaty, it said that she could perform her religion freely, without anyone stopping her. “He believed that he ruled with the Divine Right of Kings. He preferred a High Anglican form of worship, with ceremonies, rituals and lavish ornamentation.”(3) The king was really religious and expected a lot when it came to religion. When it came to ceremonies he was extremely serious about them, because he believed that they should be functioned at the best quality. “In 1639 King Charles sent an army to try and enforce the new Prayer Book in Scotland.”(3) King Charles I wanted surrounding areas to become influenced by his prayer book, so he sent his army to the scottish people, to read and fulfill his new prayer