Second Formulation Of Category Imperative Essay

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As Alan Kay said, {The best way to predict the future is to invent it.}, truthly, inventions are definitely the foundation of revolution of human beings. There have been many inventions helping people's life comfortable with their utility such as light bulb, televisions, etc. These inventions are deserved to be granted for patents. Patents are really important since they helps inventors maintain their ownership of inventions. Therefore, inventors can disclose their designs of inventions without worrying about someone will get their own benefits from those. Patents also help inventors make a lot of money from their inventions in order to give inventors motivation to create more new and fantastic things. Unfortunately, a group of people so called patent trolls take advantages of laws to get money from lawsuits. They find something that is not granted for patents, ask to get patents and then sue companies to get money. Is this thing morally wrong? According to Kantianism theory, the action of patent trolls companies is definitely a good will. Moreover, the Second Formulation of Category Imperative is stated that, {Act so that you always treat both yourself and other people as ends in themselves, and never only as a means to an end.}, no one wants to treat others just to take money from them cruelly. But patent trolls did that. They take …show more content…

Looking at the consequences, there were sixty percent of lawsuits related to patent trolls in 2012 \{Bloomberg}. These lawsuits have cost 500 billion for publicly-traded defendants since 1990 {BusinessInsider}. Moreover, patent trolls uses money that they had from lawsuits to sue more which cause damages to government and people. However, patent trolls have a right to do it since it does not violate laws. So why it is morally wrong? The law is