Second Presidential Debate Essay

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The second presidential debate between Obama and Romney was discussing several issues which significantly would affect the stability of the United States in terms of economic condition and standard of living. There were several major issues discussed in the debate, such as; economic policies, welfare policies, education policies, and health-care policies. In terms of economic policy, they both discussed about the tax rate, tax incentive, tax cut, workplace, and the federal deficit. Romney was emphasizing his mission on creating more jobs for Americans by which would decrease the federal debt and raising up the US economy. In the other hand, Obama proposing on the creation of best education system in the world as the investment of a better condition of the entire nation. Then, the government would assure the good-paying jobs creation in the country which were able to support a family particularly on …show more content…

Each policy will affect the mechanism of a country to conduct and execute their roles. The debated issues were critical to support the actualization of prosperity in the United States. Therefore, economic policy such as; budget, federal deficit, taxation, unempluyment etc- within a country would crucially assed and debated in every country. In order to be able to become a prosper country, United States are required to set up certain policy which support the status quo condition by considering its natural and human resources. Since both natural and human resources are the main components of nation to run its administrations. Educcation policies will support the creation and develope the quality of human resources to manage and cultivate the resources. Welfare policies is a form of responsibility of a government to provide services and benefits for their