Summary: The Secret Life Of Maeve Lee Kwong

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Teenagers experience many trials and tribulations throughout adolescence. The Secret Life of Maeve Lee Kwong (Secret Life) powerfully appeals to teenagers in an in depth manner: the challenges of teenage life, being religion, friendship, grief, puberty, the opposite gender, parties and freedom/independence have convincingly been conveyed in the novel through a range of language techniques. In the first chapter of the novel, we discover that the girls participate in a sleepover where a seance takes place, which raises the issues of friendship, curiosity and the opposite gender, which are synonymous with teenage life. Although, the three girls also explore spirituality through the use of the Ouija board: many teenagers often question religion and theology. This is shown in the quotations from the novel: “Tim lost it on school camp. He said we can use a glass upside down. That’s just as good. But we have to do something to invoke the spirits” ‘Like what?” asked Bianca. “We have to chant power words’ to attract something into the room” “Like, Josh Whitton is gorgeous, Josh Whitton’s a spunk” said Maeve. Bianca covered her mouth to hide her smile. “I would so handle attracting him into the room” …show more content…

Further, Murray incorporates an allusion into this stage of the novel, shown in “Omigod! This is so like something out of Charmed or that Wicca film. I am so spooked.” This quotation references a popular television show and movie, that is highly relevant to the girls situation: Charmed follows the story of a group of sisters, discovering their witch qualities, working together to fight evil, with each having a specific special