Sectionalism Racism

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In American History we are currently studying the concept of sectionalism. Sectionalism is division within a country based on religious beliefs and interests. In the early to mid 1800’s, sectionalism in America grew as slavery divided the Nation. Slavery was ignored, compromised, and argued about by the states until the conflict drove our country into the Civil War. Although regional differences are not as distinct these days, many issues are currently causing division among the states and people of our country. These issues lead to what our history class describes as “modern sectionalism”. One such issue is LGBT+ rights and equality. In the article “Here Are A Few Of The Things The LGBT Community Is Still Fighting For,” the author talks about how the LGBT+ community is still fighting for certain rights. It tells us, just because same-sex marriage is legal, that does not mean that the fight’s over. It talks about how LGBT+ people are not getting treated equally. They face discrimination for who they are, have a higher risk of commiting/attempting suicide then the average person, and they’re not receiving the resources that they need. It also shows how there’s little, to no representation or acceptance in the media. The article states how LGBT+ students are more likely to have physical and mental health problems. It shows that LGBT+ youth face homelessness, conversion therapy, and experience more violence than straight, cisgender people. “It’s only after we’ve challenged