Segregation In Education

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Immigration and segregation, could the effects be salvage in order to attain civic equality
I have always thought that every individual has the right to education and to be treated with respect despite race, gender, or religious belief, but as times goes by and we dig deeper into the history of the United States, we come to realize that these rights have never been met for every citizen of this country. In fact, at the beginning of the 20th century, when the United States “rose as a world power and an industrial giant”, its domestic social policy was known to be oppressive and anti-democratic, especially towards minorities. Mexicans, whether born in the United States or in Mexico, were treated as “foreigners, aliens, or intruders”. These …show more content…

One of the concepts they are less likely to be familiar with is “concerted cultivation parenting” –active, planed and visible management of children’s educational opportunities-, that at the end “plays a role in the intergenerational transmission of inequality”. It is true that parents work in different ways to help their children throughout education. From the start, what parents worry about is what school will give their child the best education there is in order for him or her to learn and become the best. However, in some cases, is not as easy as it should be, because there are factors that change the outcome, being segregation one of …show more content…

All the different situations should be studied, depending on the generational status and the different Hispanic subgroups (i.e. Mexican, Hondurans, Panamanians, or any other South American group). These vulnerable groups are in need of strategies to help the students and their families that could help them attain academic success. Unfortunately, few appropriate assessments have been promoted for the English language learners. The strategies exist and programs have been implemented; like the NCLB program (No Child Left Behind), also schools and families that are socially and economically gifted are able to help their own children successfully transit into university and later on into the workforce. The steps to achieve it are there, the challenge now is to make it accessible to these Hispanic families and their communities. Ideas in public policy, when it comes to immigrants, are limited, but some of the things the schools should be required to do, is improve instructions and tools for the teachers so they are able to reach these immigrant students and their parents, especially in those states where the number of English language learners is a new