Selecting EBP Considerations

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Three areas that an education professional needs to think about when selecting an EBP and considerations for each:
1. The type of practice or program to fit your need. There are a plethora of EBPs so it is pertinent that the correct program is selected based on the concern. For example, if an EBP is required to address a reading deficit concern, then you should not be looking at EBP programs that are concerned with issues pertaining to, for example, behavior issues. In addition, reading deficit is still too vague a term, so the scope should be narrowed and be more specific to identify the reading deficit of concern. If the issue is a deficit in fluency, then an EBP dealing with fluency deficits should be the focus to address that area of concern to garnish the desired positive outcome.
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Whether or not the study participants are comparable to yours. Care has to be taken to ensure that the criteria of the student population such as, for example, the age, ethnicity, socio-economic status, and demographic location are comparable. Such criteria as to the age bracket, whether the program is for native speaker of English or not, and the level or social economic bracket, whether low or middle, for example will help to determine the most suitable fit in selecting an EBP. These areas can have a bearing on the results expected from the program.
3. Is the research setting similar to your instructional setting. Also, this is an area that the education professional needs to think about when selecting an EBP to ensure similar positive results. Is the setting in the general classroom or a resource room where there are probably more privacy, flexibility, and less opportunities for