Self Conflict In 'The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock'

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In the poem ,”The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,” Prufrock is experiencing a self conflict on whether he should question his toxic relationship and risk disturbing his universe, or keep suffering through the pain of slow internal death. Ironically death is one of Prufrock’s biggest fears. In a section from Hamlet, Hamlet encounters a self conflict on how he should continue or end his life. Hamlet develops a fear of the unknown and specifically the unknown country. The unknown country is where Hamlet will go or what will happen to him after death, if anything occurs after death. Prufrock and Hamlet are similar in their indecisiveness and fear of the undiscovered country, which is rooted in their pasts. Prufrock and Hamlet are both indecisive. Prufrock’s indecisiveness rooted in his toxic relationship, that has caused him to decay emotionally. The emotional decay is symbolized by …show more content…

The section of Hamlet consist of him making a mental pros and cons list on what decision to make. To let life just happen will cause Hamlet to continue going through the same pain and troubles he’s been going through. Taking control of his life would mean taking charge and having to make decisions. Hamlet has never had to do this or when he’s tried has failed. If he just dies he can forever sleep, and set his mind at ease. Eventually, he adds in another factor of what happens after death, referred to as the undiscovered land. Hamlet is scared of death because he doesn’t know and can’t control or predict what will happen once he dies. While Prufrock is scared of death because of how people will judge and view him as he becomes closer to death. This fear of death causes Prufrock and Hamlet to live their life cautiously with the fear of death controlling all of their actions and