Self Reflection And Analysis

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This year in government class I have been able to completely locate myself on the political spectrum. Although fourth period is where I connected the final pieces to my political puzzle, I discovered a lot about my ideology when I was younger. This was due to the fact that my family constantly discussed politics and the people in government. They even talked a lot about current events and gave their opinion on the event (how they were handled, why they happened, if they agree with the situation, etc.). When I was finally able to grasp what the term politics meant, I discovered my fascination with discussing political issues with my friends/ co-workers. Thanks to my phone and television (mainly FOX News Network), I feel that I am caught up on …show more content…

My main group of friends have always either been people that play/ I play sports with and this year I started making more friends through work. Throughout the years I have come to realize that many of my friends are either moderate or democrats. My friends that identify as a democrat, are the friends that I don’t really discuss politics or controversial topics with. My friends that are more moderate lean closer to the right side on the main political issues brought up (abortion for example) which makes it easier to discuss politics with …show more content…

The only way school has impacted my beliefs is through the polls I always take around election year to see which candidate I side with most. Every result I have gotten has said that I am a republican, which I definitely agree with, but I sometimes don’t agree with the candidate that I got paired with. In government this year we took two surveys. The first one was called “I Side With” and my results came out to be that I sided with Donald Trump on most political issues by 49% and followed by him was Gary Johnson which was 28%. I sided with Hillary for 23% of political issues and only agreed with Jill Stein for 11%. The survey also determined that I was further on the right wing than Donald Trump and that my label is a social conservative. I definitely agree with these results 100%. For the second survey (the “Where Do You Stand” survey) 4 of my tallies went to the liberal side, 2 of them went to the middle/ moderate, and 15 belonged to the conservative side. I also agree with these results, but only 80% because for some of the questions there wasn’t even a moderate choice and the two choices it gave were vary