Sensory Modulation Analysis

1545 Words7 Pages Models of sensory modulation Several models relating to sensory modulation are described in the literature. Earlier models approached sensory modulation in a linear manner, ranging from under-responsivity (or failure to orientate) on one end, and over-responsivity on the other end of the continuum.16,33,118 The linear models did not explain the complexity of the process which led to more dynamic models. The Ecological Model of Sensory Modulation (EMSM) views sensory modulation as interlinked, rather than linear.{Miller, 2001 #108} Within this model a child’s responses are analysed within the context of their external life. SMD is brought about through the interaction of all the factors.33 The factors include contextual factors (culture, environment, relationships and tasks); and individual symptoms (sensation, emotion and attention).33 Dunn’s Sensory Processing Framework (figure 2.4.) is well recognised and widely used among occupational therapists. The framework is based on the premise that a relationship exists between the neurological processes and the observed behavioural responses.9 The framework consists of two constructs which are thought to occur on a continuum. Figure 2.4. Dunn’s Sensory Processing Framework …show more content…

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