Sentiment Analysis Examples

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All the levels of sentiment analysis can be applied to the data collected from online communication web sites.\\
\forceindent Generally, such types of online texts contain different symbols, emoticons and word abbreviations. The users of online social networks, forums and blogs tend to write short forms of words and use special symbols in comments to share their opinions. The way these symbols and short forms are written helps in extracting their semantics from sentences. \citet{9} during the analysis of the twitter data sets removed the noise and special characters and symbols to clean up the documents. They also checked them for the spelling mistakes, applied the POS tagger and classified the sentences into subjective and objective. The …show more content…

Nowadays there is a modern tendency to use opinion mining applications in public health issues.\ One of the well-known current projects in Europe is the collection of reviews from the patients and creation of the ratings for every practitioner. This technique helps to evaluate the quality of health care. Sentiment analysis is also very popular approach in the analysis of public health, it was implemented to learn public opinion about vaccination by analysing Twitter messages. The results showed that negative emotions toward vaccines are transferred through social networks more often and with a higher rate than positive sentiments \citep{6}. Another example is that some government organisations studied online sentiments to analyse the interest of young people in drugs and the extent of drug abuse. \\ …show more content…

The program is called General Inquirer which is consisted from algorithms developed by \citet{80}. Mental disorders can be identified through the analysis of speeches with the help of General Inquirer or similar programs. Usually these systems are based on handling of special words people use in everyday life which can indicate psychological problems of a speaker. Most of the scientists pay attention to the usage of articles and pronouns. \citet{81} and \citet{61} in their works prove that first-person pronouns are linked to a depression state of a writer/speaker. \\