
Servant Leadership Role Model

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The Concept of the servant leadership was redefined by Robert K. Greenleaf in 1970. He is known to have coined the word “Servant Leadership” that transformed the way traditional leadership model are perceived. According to Green Leaf the whole concept of leadership should be born from the desire to serve. Green Leaf defined a servant leader as one who is a servant first. He went forwarder to advocate the need for a new way of leading, that ensures the priority is on serving the people, be it employees, customers, citizens or community. A servant leader puts the needs of the people before his, making sure that others needs are attended to first, and his life style is an example for others to emulate. As a servant leader there is also the …show more content…

A servant leader has the ability not only to effectively communicate the vision, but also get his subject buy in. • Healing: this is one unique traits of a servant leader. The ability to heal ones heart and free it from any form of pain, regrets and frustrations. A servant leader by virtue of his position helps her subject and people they come in contact with to undergo the process of self-healing and forgiveness. My Role Model – A Servant Leader One of the greatest of all servant leaders that I admire is Jesus Christ, when He was on earth as recorded by the Holy Bible. He lived a life style that was exemplary, He was compassionate, he showed empathy ,he was forgiving and never judged wrong doing but encouraged his subject to detest anything that will put lives in danger. He was ready to give His life for other; He admonished his disciples in the book of Mark 10 vs 44 to 45 with following statement: “And whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for …show more content…

The Bible recorded him saying that “If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.” (Mark 9 verse 35). A servant leader is always satisfied when his subject are happy and free from any form of pain. Jesus demonstrated this by healing the sick as recoded in the Holy Bible. He taught his subject to forgive every wrong doing and love as their neighbor as themselves. He was also a visionary; He articulated his vision to his disciples and empowered them to work in line with his vision. Developing Myself to be a Servant

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