Servant Leadership: Martin Luther King Jr.

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Servant leadership is a timeless concept that was first introduced by Robert K. Greenleaf in an essay he wrote in nineteen seventy. A servant leader is someone who was a servant before they become a leader. Servant leadership begins with the natural feeling of wanting to serve. Then making a conscious choice which brings them the aspiration to lead. Servant leaders are tremendously different from the leader first. For example the servant first tries, to the best of their ability to make sure other people 's priorities and needs are being served. A servant leaders primarily focus is on the growth and wellbeing of people and the communities that they belong to. It is known that traditional leadership generally involves the growth and exercise of power by having only one person at the “top of the pyramid”, contrary to servant leadership. Servant leaders are extremely important because of the fact that they can relate to the people. Servant leaders have most likely experienced what they are fighting for, which gives them a better understanding of how severe the problem is. Many people may already know who Martin Luther King Jr. is but do they know about his life before he became famous for being a civil rights activist? Martin Luther King Jr. was born on Tuesday, January 15, 1929 in Atlanta Georgia at twelve pm. Martin 's birth name was originally Michael King, but changed his name to honor a world-renowned german reformer of the same name. Martins parents were