Service Learning Project Examples

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For my service learning project I had the opportunity to assist in the M.S. Century Bikeathon where I and another classmate traveled to Council Grove KS to greet all the participants as they made their way in after a one hundred mile bike ride. In this essay I will go over five important concepts that I observed while volunteering. First I’m going to go over how the neurotransmitters affect us while exercising as well as sensory adaption. Furthermore I will be discussing altruistic behaviors and how the feeling of achievement can be a key motivation. Last and defiantly not least how exercise can reduce stress.
After finding out my service learning project, and the details of what I would be doing, I assumed the participants would be exhausted …show more content…

To my surprise that was not the case many of them signed up knowing very little about the event. When helpful actions are not linked up to personal gain, they are considered altruistic behaviors. A person who acts in an altruistic way does not expect any recognition or rewards in return’ except the good feeling that comes from helping someone in need. I defiantly find this inspiring especially since I would not have volunteered to help if I hadn’t been required to do this Service Learning Project however after this assignment I would be more inclined to sign up in the future.
Something I found almost particular was how calm and relaxed most all the riders were despite the six plus hour bike ride in the extreme heat and what I would call difficult conditions such as heavy traffic and uneven terrain, these guys were extremely happy and nothing negatively affected their mood. Recently I learned about the importance of regular aerobic exercise not only does it promote a healthy it can also decrease depression and assist with the ability to cope with stress and