Seven Years War

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In the years paving the way to the French Revolution and the resulting topple of the monarchy framework in France, there were various critical monetary issues coming from numerous years of bed money related choices made by past rulers and their counsels. Moreover, before the French Revolution, wars and different channels of coffers demolished the monetary prosperity of the nation and it was troublesome for the rulers to accommodate these issues with their sumptuous ways of managing money. The Seven Years' War and the American Revolution were both obliterating to the French treasury, particularly with the huge armed forces required for every contention.

Louis XIV got to be ruler at four years old in 1643 upon the passing of his dad Louis …show more content…

He is the boss case of absolutism during the time half of the seventeenth century. This is reflected in his announcement "L'Etat, c'est moi." ( I am the state.) When he got to be top dog, he was tremendously well known. At his demise, the general population of Paris sneered him since his numerous wars had made him disliked. In any case, he figured out how to safeguard the force of France all through his long run the show. While he had fizzled in picking up control of the Low Countries, his grandson had turned into the King of Spain after the long war of the Spanish Succession despite the fact that the two kingdoms couldn't be converged into one. Louis XIV was known as the "Sun King" in view of the quality of his court at Versailles. Louis XIV trusted himself to be a flat out ruler. His power was acquired and got from God. He was not responsible to anybody but rather his own soul. Louis added to a huge, very much prepared armed force that wore garbs. He controlled the nation through "intendants". He demonstrated his riches and influence by building his castle at Versailles. He doubted the customary honorability since they had ascended against him while he was still a minor amid the Fronde. The made High Society at his court, where the honorability moved and