Seventh Reflection At Work

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Fourth reflection was at 14:28, and is “it sounds like you have a good plan.” This was a failed attempt to respond to Phoebe and keep the conversation flowing. Rationale for this was because she previously stated what she wants to do as far as career goes working with other women. For her a dream of seeking empowerment with other women as a career, seemed to me, like her plan. Fifth reflection was at 16:27, and is “it seems like you might want to isolate yourself a little bit more.” Rationale for this was to bring awareness to her previous statements of needing more time alone with herself. I think this helped her to ponder if it would be a healthy thing to do. Sixth reflection was made at 17:55, and is “it sounds like you’re really aware of a lot …show more content…

This is by way of, becoming aware of the many different aspects involved such as reasons, thoughts, feelings, and solutions to the issues. Seventh reflection was also an interpretation and was made at 19:21, and is “I hear you saying that this principle of awareness helps you to not be like your mother.” Rationale for this was, she kept stating the problems she had with both her mothers and not wanting to be like them. Her use of awareness seems to help remind her of why she does not want to follow in their footsteps. Eighth reflection was made at 21:21, and is “you’ve tried really hard to steer clear of that type of behavior.” Rationale for this was due to her previous statements of not wanting to behave like her other female family members. As stated before her awareness of why she tries so hard to not act like other family members keeps her motivated to not behave like them. Ninth reflection was made at 22:23, and is “you seem to know who you are.” Rationale for this was because she stated several times during the interview of what type of person she wants to be. This reflection was a failed attempt to successfully stay on