
Sexism In Things Fall Apart

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While gender plays a different role in every society, it is undeniable that women have been considered inferior since the beginning of time. However, within postcolonial societies, the issues of feminism versus colonization often places decolonization and stabilization of society over women’s rights. This complex relationship presents itself in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart and Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. However, the species of sexism faced by women in both novels highly differs, with Achebe’s being a more physically violent type and Conrad’s a genuinely undermining type. While both authors portray an offensive view of women, Conrad’s view is not as visibly harmful as Achebe’s. By exploring the depiction of women in each novel, …show more content…

In the tribe, masculinity and strength are romanticized to an unhealthy point, but due to Okonkwo’s disappointment and embarrassment of his father, he aggressively follows these norms. By placing women in a subservient role, he maintains control in his family life: “‘Do what you are told, woman’” (Achebe 14). This dominance over women is present throughout the entire novel, showing Okonkwo’s need to prove himself as a masculine figure, not only to himself but to his tribe, as well. Additionally, Okonkwo frequently uses extreme punishment, such as beating his wives or threatening them: “Okonkwo...ran madly into his room for the loaded gun, ran out again and aimed at her” (39). By exploiting his wives through violence, he deters them from ever speaking out against him. He also undermines any opinions his wives may have, because women are irrational and emotional beings, therefore incapable of having intellectual thought. Because womanly traits are considered inferior and the ultimate insult is to be compared to a woman, the women cannot subvert the men and societal norms present that oppress them. To further maintain these norms, men also have strict gender expectations that are blatant opposites of womanly traits. For example, men are stoic, violent beings, whereas women are emotional and weak. The patriarchy present in the tribe is detrimental to both genders, however, it

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