Bij Mantras

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The two types of the Seed or Bij mantras discussed in terms of their effects include the SHRIM and the HUM, while the two types of the Ashtang mantras include Guru Mantra and Shakti Mantra. The SHRIM, a Bij mantra associated with Lakshmi (Hindu Goddess of beauty, charm, divine grace, and prosperity) has the effect of evoking the feelings of affection, divine beauty, and devotion. It also has the effect of bringing blessings, delight, ecstasy and joy, besides allowing people practicing it to surrender and be at peace. It saturates people’s senses with divine abundance and exquisiteness, and by reflecting on the feminine nature, it enhances fertility, health and renaissance (Jones, 2014). It reflects on the moon’s lunar quality and energy, implying …show more content…

According to Spiritual Science Research Foundation (2013), Guru Mantra has the effect of helping people overcome spiritual obstacles and solve problem emanating from a spiritual cause. Guru Mantra also has a defensive effect as it creates a protective layer upon the body, thereby protecting mankind from evil powers. Guru Mantras foster the perseverance of an aficionado, bringing higher mystical advancement towards Deity realism and appreciation of supreme essence. With regard to Adi Shakti Mantra, it effects are almost similar to those of the SHRIM as it is associated with the primal power of the Divine Mother as S. Kaur (2015) asserts. In that case, one of its effects is to reflect the primal feminine power that divinely brings celestial light and infinite love. This mantra also uplifts the consciousness of a person to the highest meditation levels, leading to the glorification of God’s creative potency (Khalsa, 1989). Adi Shakti Mantra also tunes people into the Divine Mother’s energy and an atmosphere of protection, along with imparting the power of eradicating fear and uncertainties. It is believed that, for women, this mantra connects them to their potential and power of creativity. Khalsa (1989) adds that it fulfills desires, amplifies …show more content…

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From a personal outlook, the Oath means that the teacher should forget themself when it comes to teaching Kundalini Yoga so as to allow them to become an effective instrument of sharing and transmitting this life-changing technology in a style that inspires the learners, along with making them hopeful. The Oath also means serves as a reminder for the Kundalini Yoga teacher to replace their conscience with what consistently yields the utmost advantage in delivering Kundalini Yoga instructions. Besides reminding me that I am an instructor, the Oath elevates my spirit, thereby making me feel delightful.
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