Benefits Of Yoga Essay

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The Benefits of Yoga Yoga’s aim is to unite the mind, body and spirit. It is very therapeutic and relaxing but more than that, yoga have numerous health benefits that the body can enjoy. Yogis view the mind and body as one and if given the right tools and done at the right place, the body functions harmoniously and have the ability to heal itself. When you are in harmony, life’s journey becomes peaceful, calmer, fulfilling and happier. Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years and is known to have originated from the east. The evidence of the earliest form of yoga postures appear in ancient Shamanism which date back to 3000 BC. The evidence of the oldest-existing text in yoga is Rig-Veda, a composition of hymns that include prayer, …show more content…

According to Beth Shaw, Founder/President of Yogafit Training Systems, Worldwide, Inc. in Torrance California, “The benefits of yoga include decreased stress and tension, increased strength and balance, increased flexibility, lowered blood pressure and reduced cortisol levels.” 5. Inner Peace We are always in search for peace that’s why we look forward going to calm, peaceful and serene places like the mountains or any place that is rich in natural beauty. Look no further, peace can be found right within you when you do yoga at home. With yoga and meditation It’s like holiday within your reach, you can take a time off anytime of the day and calm a disturbed mind. 6. Strengthened Immunity A fully functional immune system is vital for optimum health. Our immune system gets affected in so many ways be it positively or negatively, that’s why a healthy lifestyle can contribute to your overall well being. Boost your immune system by having a healthy and balanced diet, do exercises such as yoga and meditation, have adequate rest and sleep and spend time with family and friends who can make you laugh. There are now laughter yoga classes too, studies show that laughter can naturally strengthen the immune system and life