Psychological Wellbeing Research Paper

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The present investigation was planned to see if the psychological wellbeing of the aged can be improved by some yogic practices. As indicators of psychological wellbeing five positive traits viz., self-concept, self-efficacy, ego-strength, emotional stability and life satisfaction and five negative traits viz., anxiety, insecurity alienation, identity crisis and loneliness were selected. The yogic practices undertaken were Kapalbhati, Anulom-Vilom, Bhramri, Tratak, Dhyan and Yognindra. The design followed was pre-post testing of experimental and control groups. Subjects were 500 retired officials (aged 65-75 yrs) randomly assigned to experimental and control groups in equal number. The experimental groups practiced yogic techniques half an …show more content…

The hedonistic aspect denotes subjective well being constituting of satisfaction with life and high positive affect combined with low negative affect (Diener, 1984). Positive affect indicates towards pleasant emotions and feeling such as joy and happiness, whereas negative affect denotes towards unpleasant feelings and emotions such as sadness and fear and life satisfaction refers to cognitive judgment process i.e. a global assessment of one’s life as a whole. A eudaimonic aspect includes a sense of personal growth and development, the belief that one’s life is purposeful and meaningful, a sense of self – determination, autonomy, positive social relationship and capacity to manage one’s life and surrounding world (Ryff, 1989). In a nutshell psychological well being encompasses optimal functioning, self – actualization and flourishing. It refers to both the desirable conditions of our existence as well as the end state of our quest (Ivtzan, Bernard, Sekhon & Gardner, 2013; Wong, …show more content…

Yoga constitutes a focal interact in positive psychology (Singleton, 2010). Rishi Patanjali was the pioneer of the discipline of yoga and claimed that yoga controls mental conflicts, tensions and different patterns of mind and creates bliss in human life. It is a science which deals with the balanced personality promoting positive qualities and controlling negative characteristics. Yoga has both theoretical and practical aspects. It is not only a series of exercises rather includes spiritual and philosophical approach. Eggleston (2009) stated that “Yoga is the recognition of the divine within the self outside of the body and connection between the self and the other outside the self” (p 966). The theoretical aspect emphasizes self – culture and the realization of the individual with the supreme self. The practical aspect involves some postural and breathing exercises. Yoga practice in America and Europe is mostly limited to its practical side (Singleton, 2010) which has never been the chief feature of Indian Yoga. Of course, through Yogic exercises we can develop the ability to relax in any situation and under any condition. We can also develop the ability to concentrate and collect all our dissipated energies and focus them on one point that leads to combination of mental force which unfolds in

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