Cyp 3.1 Health And Wellbeing Research Paper

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3.1 – Assess health and wellbeing priorities in health and social care settings The UKs Health and Wellbeing Directorate mission is to save lives, promote wellbeing and creates environments where individuals, families, and communities can feel informed, empowered, healthier and happier. They take an integrated approach to promoting health and wellbeing. Working with a range of partners to develop and implement robust, effective health programmes and to address the social factors that affect people’s health. The Health and Social Care Act 2012 has delivered a significant shift in the way that local health services are designed. Primary Care Trusts have been replaced by GP-led organisations called Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) which are responsible for deciding which local health services should be funded. Councils have taken on new responsibilities for public health. …show more content…

Over twenty thousand people come to live in Hackney every year and a similar number leave; one third of the population was born outside the UK. Although deprived, the borough has enormous assets in both its physical and community resources. The rate of mental health problems and depression in Hackney is amongst the highest in London. In 2010/11, Hackney Council provided social care services to adults with mental health issues a third of whom were aged over 65. Four out of five of these received community-based services, others were supported in nursing or residential care. Hackney Council also provided services to clients with learning disabilities. The number of clients with a learning disability receiving care packages has remained fairly stable over the past three years. The care packages includes homecare, daycare, direct payments, professional support, and specialised equipment /

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